Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Willie P. Bennett - Tryin' to Start Out Clean

First I will show you my home. Because there are no strangers where there is an incandescent stream of sonic glee. My day is always slightly diminished when I look for this man's music and fail to ever find it. Hopefully this will assist those who feel the same. Willie P.'s debut album is a folk masterpiece. For me, this is definitive rural Ontario music. The trees outside my bedroom window. My roommates farm packed into an album. I was returning back to this home last year with the plan of visiting this musician's house to tell him how much he influenced my life. Upon landing in Pearson International, I met my mother to hear her say, "Willie P. Bennett died". Perhaps in thirty years his music will be loved across the world (what with the wonders of the Internet!) But until then I can only deliver it to people by hand. 

Fortunately, I can now harness the energy of the wondrous Internet and bring this phantasmagorical album to visitors of this fair blog. I will also in the future try to be less self indulgent with my adjectives. 

There are Whitely's playing on this record, and Dennis Pendrith on the upright bass!  Click on the nun. This is what I look like. 



Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting Bennett's album.If possible, please post his other albums too.

miles said...

i'm only beginning to discover bennett's music and thank you for helping me to hear this one. thanks very much.