Thursday, May 28, 2009

P:ano - The Den

Here is a beauty for all of ye. Known to me only because the Cool Jerk went to school with the brother of the girl who did the string arrangement for the band. No, this band is no longer alive. They're not dead, but living somewhere where we cannot find them, in the place where all bands go when they cease to exist: The internet. I guess the members are still probably making music of some sort, but that is beyond my own knowledge. Regardless, the Den is a masterful album. It manages to convey all the seasons of the year, starting with winter. My favourite recurring theme on the record: the constant female vocal harmony reminiscent of my dear Julie Doiron (whom I will post many a classic from in the future). 

If you dig makin' beautiful pop music BEWARE. This album just may influence the shit out of you. 


(click the Nun and you will have music)

Saturday, May 23, 2009

P J Harvey - To Bring You My Love

If only this music was known to my sixteen year old self, I would surly be a better person today. Some bad ass rock and roll to cool the soul. With rhymes! P J Harvey has a discography highly worth investigating. Although her fan base seems fairly massive, she still sits in relative obscurity in rural Canada, which is a terrible shame. Her songwriting is highly contagious. Her vocals are rocking. Jam on that shit!

Dig the title track's erie groove, with one of my favourite fade in's of the nineties [I tried to think of some other good one's, but all I could remember is Radiohead's Black Star (which was known to my sixteen year old self)]. And what? Even a synth string section? Hopefully, this will fulfill your grunge quota for the day.


Let the nuns guide you...                     

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Willie P. Bennett - Tryin' to Start Out Clean

First I will show you my home. Because there are no strangers where there is an incandescent stream of sonic glee. My day is always slightly diminished when I look for this man's music and fail to ever find it. Hopefully this will assist those who feel the same. Willie P.'s debut album is a folk masterpiece. For me, this is definitive rural Ontario music. The trees outside my bedroom window. My roommates farm packed into an album. I was returning back to this home last year with the plan of visiting this musician's house to tell him how much he influenced my life. Upon landing in Pearson International, I met my mother to hear her say, "Willie P. Bennett died". Perhaps in thirty years his music will be loved across the world (what with the wonders of the Internet!) But until then I can only deliver it to people by hand. 

Fortunately, I can now harness the energy of the wondrous Internet and bring this phantasmagorical album to visitors of this fair blog. I will also in the future try to be less self indulgent with my adjectives. 

There are Whitely's playing on this record, and Dennis Pendrith on the upright bass!  Click on the nun. This is what I look like. 


Gulliver Travels.

Hey Gang.

Let's all give a big incandescent sonic welcome to new "resident" contributor.

His name is Gulliver.
and he will be pouring records down your gulliver, if you know what I mean.