Monday, March 23, 2009

Fila Brazillia - A Touch Of Cloth

Artist: Fila Brazillia
Album: A Touch Of Cloth
Label: Twentythree Records
Year: 1999
Bitrate: 320kbps

Fuck. This album is crazy good. The first time I heard it, I was like "Alright Fila, not bad, not bad." but it has grown on me immensely. More than any album. Ever. It's just so spacey and beautiful. Get it in your ears. Take the time to appreciate it.

Having listened extensively to a vast majority of Fila's studio discography, this is easily my favorite album as a whole. It's soooo cohesive. The sound is so consistent throughout. This album is as close as it gets to being the opposite of Fila's 04 release "Dicks". That album was all over the place (in a good way), but A Touch Of Cloth will baptize you in rhythm, and feed you a holy communion of hypnotic splendour.

Serve with: focaccia, bruschetta & a fine italian wine.

Until next time

Keep yer stick on the ice.


(clickin' the head will take you to the download link)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This album took a while to grow on me too, but as soon as I really started listening it became one of my favorites!! The mixing and mastering is just perfect. I dig hard.