Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Masala Mix Tapes!

So, what started as an pair of Russian Imperial Stouts, a rainy day, some fucking fly hip hop and absolutely no Timbaland; birthed the idea for monthly installments of something so delicious, it can only be called a masala. In the spirit of a friendly joust, each month will be subject to a arduous challenge in which ISSG's contributors will duel to bring you the cherry on the top of your ice cream. Each challenge will consist of an objective, idea or quest that Dave and The Cool Jerk will, in equal parts, pick up the gauntlet of groove and serve up five smokin' tracks each, yielding the holy masala of the month.
So, to summarize, on the 30th day of each month; look out for a very special post, a ten track mix tape, or as far as we're concerned, a mixture of spice, or, for the crakas involved... a masala.

The challenge for June '08 is "The Nord Electro Masala". For those not familiar with the synthesizer; the Nord Electro 2 is a simply flawless reproduction of a Hammond B3, Fender Rhodes, Wurlitzer and Clavinet. Perhaps the nature of the challenge is a users guide to said instrument. The ten tracks will be our idea of the essential electromechanical. More info to follow with the post.

Anyway! as for any ISSG news, I seem to have started lagging behind in terms of posts. Be on the look out for a handful of posts as my solemn apology. Starting in July, I intend on running a segment I call "Essential Easties", or a month long, eight-part series of my best introduction to the sounds of Eastern Canada in the 90's. After that, you can expect a post every Thursday.

Dave has some wild exciting news on the horizon, which include a July that can only be called "Timbaland, you wish you produced this." Also, get ready for a new set of webisodes, that ISSG will be fucking proud to host, produced by our man, Dave. Look for those in the Fall. Again, they're gonna kick some ass. Get ready foos. Get ready.

Hey. If you have any ideas for challenges for the Monthly Masala, don't hesitate to holler. Your best bet would be to post a comment here or on any of the future Masala posts.

Happy Listenin'

-The Sonic Glee Crew.

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