Dearest Internet User, Web Cruiser, Information Peruser;
Welcome to our humblest of abodes. If you’ve stumbled upon this place, you’re probably a good friend. In which case, what’s up? Long time no see? Have I seen you today? Sorry. If not. Then shit! I’ll brew some tea, I’m glad you could make it. Stay awhile. What’s that you say? You’re looking for some solid gold nuggets? Perhaps, nuggets that were once sheets of vinyl, strips of magnetic tape, etc…? Well, sir, you’re in the right place.
If you’re searching for absolute one of a kind bootlegs that you’ll never find anywhere else; you MIGHT not be in luck; might being the operative word as we certainly have some lovely tricks up our sleeve along with some absolute rarefied jams. Keep yer ears peeled. Any requests, queries and the like will be happily dealt with by our contributors (just leave a comment). If you’re looking for some really rare stuff, we might know where to direct you. If you’re looking for Top 40, Hardcore, Emo/Screamo, Metal; you also might not be in luck. Chances are, if it sucks, it won’t be anywhere close to this blog (not saying hardcore/metal sucks, but I personally have no collection of the such). Here at ISSG, we strive to bring you the “fly-est” true alternative to what you likely hear daily. Generally, great records you may have heard and unfortunately ignored.
As far as I’m concerned, “I’m in the boat where the pirates be.” I’m well aware of copyright laws and well aware of what side of the law my toes are on. Well, I say in good conscience. Fuck That Shit. The concept of sole ownership of art as if it were a commodity is so terribly backwards. Music belongs to all ears, until DRM petrifies the atmosphere. The music industry exists to profit, not to promote and breed culture, “To create an environment which attempts to market a small amount of music to the largest audience possible.” I hate to be on such a high horse, but when Canadian children have no idea who Rick Danko and Richard Manuel are, our identity is being robbed and resold as tired, expensive greatest hits packages, made without appreciation and without care for proper compensation. One day, the kids won’t know how to dance to Rock n’ Roll. I will not submit to this. The record industry dictatorship must be overthrown. That being said, if you’re an artist/musician who finds their music gracing/adorning/anointing this page, yet still chooses to hoard it for yourself; feel free to contact me and the link will be struck immediately. No grudges, everyone’s gotta eat.
I’m just about solely doing this as a sorta “ego-validation” thing; so, comments are greatly, greatly, appreciated. We’re always looking for more contributors, so, if you think you’re ears are up to it, or if you find some boldly ignored great music; please take us to town (just leave a comment).
Anywho. Enjoy y’all.
-The Incandescent Crew.
P.S. Big Thanks to Matt Sheardown for writing such a great review of Hipeponymous, and Numair Faraz for imparting some ammunition to use against “the man”.